Frozen Shoulder is a condition which presents with shoulder pain and stiffness. Ofter patients with this condition suffer for many years.

Patients with frozen shoulder have severe limitation in shoulder movements and activities of daily living is very difficult. Women especially face a lot of difficulties as they are unable to clasp and unclasp their bras behind their backs.

The capsule of the shoulder becomes tight and thick in frozen shoulder patients. In medical terms frozen shoulder is also known as adhesive capsulitis. The cause of stiffness is still largely unknown in frozen shoulders, however, there is an association with diabetes and hypothyroidism.

The conservative modalities of treatment which involves physiotherapy, injections and pain killer medications take at least 1 to 2 years before patients get relief.

The newer modality of treatment which involves shoulder arthroscopy and capsular release.

Dr. Chintan Desai is an expert in shoulder arthroscopy treatment modality and is the best shoulder arthroscopy surgeon in mumbai. He has performed this procedure on many patients and has achieved great results.

Dr. Chintan Desai, with the help of shoulder arthroscopy resolves the shoulder stiffness and pain immediately and complete recovery takes only 7 days, which otherwise takes 1 - 2 years.

Dr. Chintan Desai is the best frozen shoulder doctor in Mumbai.